has partnered with Pass It Forward to help you give back to the community.
Real change starts with simple acts of charity. All of us have the power to make an impact!
Your efforts to help people in need and promote sustainability are an investment for a better future.
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Make an Impact with these Campaigns
Support Nonprofits on Pass It Forward
American Friends of ISCD
The American Friends of ISCD is empowering children, youth, and adults with physical disabilities through sports and other activities for rehabilitation.
BuildAid provides specialist construction aid to communities around the world in the form of design expertise, cost planning, and project management.
Child's Dream
Child's Dream is a development organization dedicated to improving health and education for sustainable development through various programs for children and youth.
Habitat for Humanity Philippines
Habitat Philippines has enabled over 150,000 families to live in safe and sustainable communities, with more than 30 years of building homes, communities, and hope.
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